To perform best results of Dremel SC544 EZ SpeedClic Wood Cutting Wheels, Dremel recommend users:
The Dremel EZ Lock makes accessory changes easy as PULL - TWIST - RELEASE. The one-piece mandrel design simplifies the process of changing cutting wheels and makes it easy to cut through wood and laminates. For use with the SC402 EZ Lock Mandrel.
The Dremel SC544 EZ SpeedClic Wood Cutting Wheels now cut 1/2" wood and laminate. Cuts wood fast with little effort. Easy to assemble. For use with the EZ402 EZ Lock™ mandrel.
To perform best results of Dremel SC544 EZ SpeedClic Wood Cutting Wheels, Dremel recommend users:
The Dremel EZ Lock makes accessory changes easy as PULL - TWIST - RELEASE. The one-piece mandrel design simplifies the process of changing cutting wheels and makes it easy to cut through wood and laminates. For use with the SC402 EZ Lock Mandrel.
The Dremel SC544 EZ SpeedClic Wood Cutting Wheels now cut 1/2" wood and laminate. Cuts wood fast with little effort. Easy to assemble. For use with the EZ402 EZ Lock™ mandrel.